Compete Every Day with Jake Thompson | A Show for Driven Leaders

Compete Every Day with Jake Thompson | A Show for Driven Leaders

Hosted by: Jake Thompson

The show for ambitious leaders who want to improve their performance & influence. Discover tangible steps you can take to build a grittier, resilient mindset & the positive leadership influence required to...


Learn to Embrace the Discomfort Daily

Season #3 Episode #37

Jake shares in today’s episode the importance of leaning into discomfort and how it’s crucial to developing as a competitor in life. Most of us understand the need to push ourselves in our workouts. We have no problem...
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Stephen Mackey, How 2Words Can Change Your Life

Season #3 Episode #36

Stephen Mackey, founder of 2Words, talks about his journey to becoming a character development speaker and shares ideas for parents, coaches, students, and adults alike to build a depth of character that will carry...
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The 8 Biggest Lessons from my 8 Years at Compete Every Day

Season #3 Episode #35

This week marks the 8th birthday for Compete Every Day. As I looked back on the journey, I wanted to share the 8 biggest lessons I've learned about running a business and building a life. Support the...
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How to Win the Competition Against Imposter Syndrome

Season #3 Episode #35

Imposter syndrome is common among anyone pursuing greatness. It's the feeling that "oh no, they'll find out I don't belong here." We live in fear of being "caught" as if the reason we got there was luck or an...
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Yogi Roth, How Great is Ball

Season #3 Episode #34

Storytelling fosters connection among people. This week’s guest is professional storyteller, writer, and podcaster Yogi Roth. There’s no more natural connection than that between sports and being human. That’s why...
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You're Not Alone

Season #3 Episode #33

Just a reminder: choosing to compete for greatness in all areas of your life can be LONELY. People you know won’t understand it. People you like will be ok settling for average. People you love will settle for a...
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Lindsey Smith: Coaching Effort, Motivating Teams, & Setting the Example as a Parent

Season #3 Episode #32

Lindsey Smith is an athlete. The three-sport college athlete turned CrossFit Games competitor, and now coach & athletic director shares her journey through sports and life with tips on transitioning away from...
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A Reminder on How to Slay That Giant Ahead of You

Season #3 Episode #29

Every great goal is achieved by first overcoming a giant obstacle in the way. Even the best Competitors in the world first had to learn how to become someone capable of overcoming the obstacle. On this week's episode,...
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Brian Cain, Building Mental Toughness

Season #3 Episode #30

No matter how hard you work or how dedicated you are to achieving your goals, if you don’t have the right mental attitude, you’ll struggle to do your best. Closing that gap between where you are and where you want to...
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Bat Flips, Busted Lips, & If You Don't Like It, Why You Have to Do Better About It

Season #3 Episode #31

If you don't like something, do something about it. This week's fight between two professional baseball teams stirred up a conversation around personal responsibility, growth, and responding to things outside of your...
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Coach Randy Jackson: Culture Defeats Strategy

Season #3 Episode #28

Culture is key, in the locker room and the boardroom. Texas high school football coach Randy Jackson opens up in this week's episode on team-building and co-creating team culture to create a framework both players and...
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Overcoming Self Doubt

Season #3 Episode #27

Today I'm sharing my own struggles with self-doubt and the three-step action plan I implemented to overcome those doubts. If you've ever doubted your abilities, your path, or your situation, listen to how these three...
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