#03: Cassidy Duffield

Season #1 Episode #4

How important is it to have a positive mental image of ourselves?

CrossFit. Olympic Weightlifting. Body image issues, what? That’s the story Salt Lake City CrossFit athlete Cassidy Duffield shares in this week’s episode. Growing up as a gymnast, Cassidy has always been a more muscular woman. That led to special attention when she was younger, including being called “manly” as a teen.

She spent years at a mainstream gym trying to be “skinny” and lose the muscle and weight she had built as a gymnast. As she grew older, Cassidy learned to love her body and the strength she had after joining the CrossFit community.

In this conversation, you’ll hear Cassidy’s incredible story, the way she overcame body image challenges, and how to create a compelling vision of your future self.