#12: Jeremy Thiel, CrossFit Central

Season #1 Episode #12

Do It in Excellence and Obedience

In this episode I’m joined by Jeremy Thiel. In 2005, Jeremy was introduced to CrossFit. Immediately, he knew he had discovered the path he’d been seeking since he first started training. This was not just a game he was going to play, but something he was going take part in that would effect positive change on a large scale. Naturally he dove in head first.

Jeremy felt the best way to learn was through action. Action, hard work, dedication, and discipline were the tools he utilized to take $500 and build a million dollar garage gym facility, CrossFit Central, in less than three years. In 2005, Jeremy along with his sister Carey started by running boot camps in parks all around Austin. He worked from his one bedroom apartment day in and day out blogging, emailing and programming; strong relationships sprouted out of his emphasis on the importance of being heavily involved in the Austin fitness community.

We talk about Jeremy’s journey to CrossFit and starting a gym, how he manages all his projects including a new podcast, and what’s coming up for him in 2017.