#34: Susan Kovacs, The Athlete's Game Changer

Season #1 Episode #34

“Avoid stress, don’t do anything to physically exert yourself, and if you’re planning on having any children — don’t.” That’s the advice Susan Kovacs’ neurologist gave after diagnosing her with multiple sclerosis in 1985. Not something you want to hear when you’re in your mid-twenties, or at any point in your life at that. Anything she had planned for her future completely shifted. But just as easily as life can shift your plans, so can your mindset.

In her mid-fifties, Susan's strength coach asked her to consider a triathlon. It was a dare that would take her well beyond her comfort zone and “the life doctors prescribed her.” Susan explored the true impact that mindset has on our lives and adopted the mantra "my body achieves what my mind believes." With that, she made the physical and mental transition to being actively involved in athletics.

Combining her superpowers of research and personal experience, Susan has found her path as a performance mindset coach helping athletes, corporate leaders, sales professionals, and entrepreneurs optimize their performance through mindset mastery.