#35: What Do You Mean "Take a Step Back?"

Season #1 Episode #35

A true competitor is determined to excel, even in the face of adversity. But adversity is much more than upsets, unfortunate events, or other external obstacles. Sometimes it’s our own pride that presents the challenge and holds us back from experiencing true growth.

No one wants to go backwards. It feels counterintuitive. Especially when so much effort goes into achieving greatness. But giving yourself the green light to put it in reverse could be exactly what you need to progress forward.

Taking a step back isn’t accepting failure or admitting defeat. It’s a way to gain perspective and clarity on challenging situations in your life. A time to reevaluate where to invest your valuable time, effort, and energy. A way to create space so you can tend to what might’ve been overlooked while pursuing success.

When stepping back might be the answer, fear and pride are the true adversities. Accept the challenge to overcome them so you can ultimately take ten steps forward toward your long-term success.