Dr. Julie Bell, Mind of a Champion

Season #3 Episode #53

As a sports psychologist, Dr. Julie Bell is focused on relationships. It’s through the coaching relationship she builds with athletes, entrepreneurs, mothers, and many others that she can tailor her approach to each specific person, and that people can find support through their various endeavors and changes in life.

However, despite the differences, the common thread that often runs through these challenges is the need for a mindset shift. After all, while it can be easier to change the small things, it’s often a look inside that’s needed most.

What You’ll Learn:
  • Challenges are both physical and mental
  • Coaches can help at different stages in life
  • Celebrate the path to victory, rather than just the outcome
  • Encourage behaviors you want to see repeated
  • Focus on the relationship process


Learn more at TheMindOfAChampion.com.