Cody Royle, Thinking Outside the Box

Season #3 Episode #55

Discovering your own competitive advantage is at the heart of this week’s conversation with author and podcaster Cody Royle. His book, Where Others Won’t: Taking People Innovation from the Locker Room into the Boardroom, delves deep into lessons from teams around the world on leadership theory, group dynamics, and talent optimization. This week, he shares what he’s learned about what both individuals and teams can do to find their niche. 

Royle says the big takeaway former athletes have going forward to a new career is their sense of self-awareness. Athletes spend much of their time getting feedback from others, be they coaches or fellow players. That helps them understand their strengths and weaknesses and explore what they enjoy doing and what they don’t. That understanding is a critical asset outside the world of sports, as well, and can help a person find their best fit in business or whatever they ultimately pursue.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Ask questions to build self-awareness
  • Develop a leadership mentality
  • Synthesize different parts of your personality
  • Identify what you enjoy and what you don’t and push for the right position
  • Think outside the box to create a competitive advantage


Learn more about Cody's work here.