Train Yourself to Break the Impossible with Joel Runyon

Season #4 Episode #177

How you do anything is how you do everything. That’s one of Joel Runyon’s guiding principles in life.

This week, Runyon shares his story of going from living in his parents’ basement and being jobless to founding Impossible and becoming the youngest person to run ultra marathons on every continent. It all started with singling out one goal on his list and seeing it through to completion. 

A lot of people have a tendency to sabotage themselves before they even begin. That comes from getting stuck in your own head. Once you recognize how your mind is setting your limitations, you can move past them, like Runyon did. Then, you can do the things you used to think were impossible.

What You’ll Learn: 

  • Finish what you start
  • Seek out mental challenges to overcome
  • Choose one goal to start working toward
  • Don’t self-sabotage before you begin
  • Make the decision not to go quietly


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