Winning as an Underdog in Life with JJ Birden

Season #4 Episode #183

In spite of the challenges, you have the power to succeed. You just have to get into the right headspace to use your speed bumps as stepping stones that will take you where you want to go.

This week, author, entrepreneur, motivational speaker and former NFL player J. J. Birden shares his stories of dealing with change and using a positive mindset to make the most of life’s curve balls.

Throughout his life and career, J. J. Birden has dealt with his fair share of setbacks. In sports, he’s overcome injuries and fought his way from bottom to top among the best. He’s also stepped up in his personal life, bringing his five nieces and nephews into his family when they fell on hard times.

At any of those moments, he could have given in and been overwhelmed by the difficulty of the situation facing him. But instead, he made the choice to put in the work to achieve the outcome he wanted. All decisions take you up or down, he says. It’s about having the mental fortitude and positive attitude to make the right choice when it’s in front of you.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Embrace the power of positive thinking
  • Get into the right mindset for change
  • Don’t be complacent with where you’re at
  • Develop a personal game plan
  • Reframe challenges as opportunities


Order JJ's Book When Opportunity Knocks here.


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