Goal Crushing with Gym Gypsy Founder Vanessa Bennington

Season #4 Episode #186

Your past doesn’t have to define you. Every day, you have the power to choose how you want to show up and what person you want to be. This week, athlete and Gym Gypsy founder Vanessa Bennington talks about the transformative power of self-reflection, journaling, and changing daily habits to break your own mold.

All through high school and into her 20s, Bennington struggled with an eating disorder. She was trying to beat her genes and stay fit as an adult -- but was doing it in a dangerous and self-destructive way. Then, she found CrossFit and started journaling every day. Now, she owns her own company which makes a line of fitness and life journals, so others can use writing to change their circumstances. 

What You’ll Learn:

  • Be tenacious in pursuing your goals
  • Figure out what hasn’t worked in the past
  • Identify your excuses in order to quit them
  • Don’t let failure be the end
  • Remember your history doesn’t have to define you

Check out Gym Gypsy at their website: https://gym-gypsy.com/


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