Competitors Rack Their Weights

Season #4 Episode #187

Leaders don’t pass the buck to someone else. They take responsibility for their actions and decisions and work to change them in the future if they need improvement. Owning your choices is an integral part of learning what you have control over in your own life.

By understanding that you play a part in creating the situation you’re in, you can take action to change that situation and improve your decision-making.

If you don’t take responsibility, it’s easy instead to take a backseat in your own life and become a follower, rather than a leader. So, each and every day, remember that it starts with you.

What You’ll Learn:
  • Own your decisions
  • Identify what is within your control to change
  • Work to fix your own problems
  • Don’t neglect the small tasks
  • Acknowledge the path that got you here


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