Living Your PRISE Life with Dr. Paul Arciero

Season #4 Episode #196

It’s the day-by-day and moment-by-moment changes you make that will ultimately shape your future outcomes.

That’s the key message from this week’s guest, Dr. Paul Arciero. Years of study and research led him to create the PRISE lifestyle, which is based on living a healthy and whole life.

What you eat and how you move and use your body shape the way you live in the world. They influence your emotional and mental wellbeing and even how you interact with the people closest to you. It can be tough to change the habits you have to get on track to living well.

That’s why it’s important to figure out what value being healthy has for you. Defining its worth and meaning can help you get into the right mindset to change your habits and start living up to your full potential.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Focus on nutrition
  • Practice an active lifestyle
  • Pay attention to emotional wellbeing
  • Make daily changes for long-term outcomes
  • Define the value of healthy living