A Blueprint for Your Career Success with Will Baggett

Season #4 Episode #198

Emotional intelligence is key to living a balanced and healthy life. It means learning to understand and manage your own emotions and the emotions of those around you. It takes introspection and space to get in touch with your own needs and pace.

This week, sports management professional, author, and keynote speaker Will Baggett talks about showing up ready to give your best and taking a step back when you need to adjust.

Especially during challenging moments — like this one — it can be tempting to fall into easy routines just to get by. But research has shown that how we present ourselves, even during times of transition or upheaval, affects how we think and act.

That’s why it’s important to be mindful, and always ask what you could be doing to add value to wherever you’re at at any given point in time. What you put in will shape what you, and others, get out. So, strive for contentment, not complacency, and take opportunities as they come. 

What You’ll Learn: 

  • Grow your emotional intelligence
  • Have patience with yourself
  • Look to add value where you are
  • Strive for contentment, not complacency
  • Seek balance in your life and work


Follow Will on Twitter at @W_Baggs

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