Building Teams of Significance with Ralph Pim

Season #4 Episode #203

The realm of sports is ripe for teaching young people and athletes important skills they can use and put to work for the rest of their lives. For coaches, it takes being able to turn words like “character” and “competition” into behaviors and traits that athletes can see and feel. Once those ideas become tangible, they can be learned and developed.

This week, author and teacher Dr. Ralph Pim shares ideas for breaking down critical concepts into teachable and adoptable life lessons.

Dr. Pim started his career coaching youth sports. Over the years, he worked his way to college coaching and ultimately, to West Point, where he became the director of competitive sports for the entire military academy.

At West Point, all cadets are also athletes; it’s a mandate of the school which early on, recognized the benefits of sports experience in building great leaders. Now an international leadership consultant and educator, he’s sharing what he both learned and developed at West Point about shaping athletes into well-rounded and persevering people in all aspects of their lives.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Develop self-discipline
  • Turn buzzwords into teachable behaviors
  • Develop good behaviors into great habits
  • Transfer sports lessons to life and work
  • Learn to speak to the heart of players


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