Building Mental Skills for Life with Zach Brandon

Season #4 Episode #204

There are many things that have become unsettled in our world. Our daily routines have changed and some opportunities we may have had a few months ago have been put on hold, while others have arisen through the changes. This week, Arizona Diamondbacks Mental Skills Coordinator Zach Brandon talks about the benefits of practicing mindfulness and intentionality, and shares ideas on how to return to a centered place even when the storm is at its strongest.

It begins with a simple tenet of sports — you have to make sure you’re paying attention to the right thing at the right time. Especially in times of change, it’s important to find a way to pause and take stock of where you are, and then adjust your focus. It doesn’t matter if that change is a large life shift or just the transition from work to home in your everyday routine, there’s value in re-centering before you move to something new. Often, our minds can work against us when we get stuck on what’s happened in the past or worry about what’s to come. By acknowledging and accepting the changes, we can find a way to enter into the new space with intentionality and focus. It doesn’t make the challenges disappear, but it can make them easier to navigate.

What You'll Learn:

  • Switch your focus to be more process-oriented

  • Build transition routines into your day

  • Adjust your expectations when you practice a new skill

  • Find a way to center yourself when you need to

  • Practice intentionality in your actions

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