Overcoming a Near-Death Experience to Competing for His Best Life with Matt Long

Season #4 Episode #207

Something that many athletes and top performers have in common is a story of overcoming adversity. For former New York City firefighter and elite athlete Matt Long, personal challenges have shaped the course of his life. In 2005, Long was hit by a bus. He spent weeks in a coma and months in the hospital, where he endured several surgeries. When he got out of the hospital, he found the mental part of recovery was just as challenging.

Long had to find a way to accept the ways in which his life had changed. Prior to the accident, he had been an avid runner. After the accident, his gait was off and his body had changed, so he turned to indoor rowing and other strength exercises. He found a new avenue to elite athleticism through tenacity, perseverance, and mental fortitude. He also had to learn not to let pride get in the way. He asked for help when he needed it, which gave him the support and tools that helped him blaze a new path forward. This week, he shares tips on overcoming challenges and learning from them to be better prepared for tomorrow.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Practice tenacity
  • Learn from past disappointments
  • Persistence leads to outcomes
  • Let go of anger and self-pity
  • Don’t let pride get in the way

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