Leading Effectively When the Pressure is High with Marc Polymeropoulos

Season #4 Episode #209

How you carry yourself as a leader can affect every facet of your team. Whether you’re a doctor, a manager, a team captain, or in another leadership role, your attitude and approach will shape the way your superiors, employees, and co-workers interact with each other and you. This week, retired CIA intelligence officer Marc Polymeropolous talks about building strong leadership skills and finding clarity in times of uncertainty. It’s about being motivated to work for the collective good and building up trust and accountability over time.

It’s easy to lead the way when the path ahead is clear, Polymeropolous says. But the path is rarely clear. There will be times when you and your team are under stress or facing challenges, both large and small. It’s in those moments that a leader has to show confidence. And it’s in the times leading up to those challenges that a leader has to be honest and take responsibility, so there is cohesion when it’s needed the most. 

What You’ll Learn:

  • Have honest conversations
  • Develop relationships based on trust
  • Focus on what is in your control
  • Take it upon yourself to handle problems as they arise
  • Embrace uncertainty and learn from it

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