AMRAP Mentality with Jason Khalipa

Season #4 Episode #210

The way to success is focus and consistency. You have to put in the work, day in and day out, with clear goals in mind. That’s a lesson from this week’s guest, author, entrepreneur, and Crossfit champ Jason Khalipa. He shares his story of growing a company and becoming one of the fittest men in the world. After his daughter was diagnosed with leukemia, Khalipa had to re-center himself and his goals and learn to slow down and truly appreciate being focused in the moment.

Being in the moment means concentrating your effort on whatever you are doing. When you find yourself with your feet in too many places at once, you can lose your grounding. By making sure you go all in on one task at a time — even just for 10 minutes a day — you can do that task to the best of your ability and build routines that will last over time. It often means giving up control and learning to delegate responsibilities to others on your team. But by doing that, you also give them the chance to build their own skills and flourish. It’s a win-win.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Recognize other people’s strengths and use them
  • Set expectations in line with goals
  • Stay focused in the moment
  • Build consistency and routine
  • Remember to slow down when you need to

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