Mayhem Mindset with Jim Hensel

Season #4 Episode #216

For Jim Hensel, it all came down to one very important conversation. Facing a challenging time with his work and family, he found himself in the car with his uncle one day. His uncle told him it was time to take responsibility for his life and where it had gone. It was the spark that lit the fire for Hensel and set him on the path toward accountability and self-determination. Shortly thereafter, he wrote down his Strength and Honor Code, which he now lives by, and started to work with children.

All together, these experiences helped to ground Hensel in what matters, which is a strength he now works with others to develop. He had to understand his purpose and figure out what he actually believed in. Then, he had to find a way to represent those beliefs in a true and authentic manner. And finally, he had to develop his own personal mission statement that would help guide him. By truly owning his place in life and understanding what he wanted to get out of it, he could stop scrambling to figure out what to do next and instead, put his effort into achieving his goals.

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