Power of Positivity with Jon Gordon

Season #4 Episode #217

For Jon Gordon, life has been a journey and faith has been at the core of it all. In his early 30s, he entered into a time of questioning and exploration. It led him to read about different religions and types of spirituality and by the time he was in his mid-30s, he decided he wanted to get baptized. Through these varied experiences, Gordon learned to identify his core purpose in life, which he says is crucial for thoughtful decision-making.

You have to know what you stand for, know what you’re here to do, and understand your purpose and principles in order to make decisions that align with your goals and priorities. Distractions may try to pull away your focus, so it’s important to let go of thoughts and tasks that don’t support your journey forward. That means picking your battles and your moments to shine. Understand when it’s better not to enter into a debate or when it’s beneficial to voice your opinion. Once you understand the ideals that guide you, the path forward becomes much clearer.

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