The Uniform of Leadership with Jason Romano

Season #4 Episode #220

To be a leader is to have the ability to impact other people’s lives. It’s not about the title, the status, or the amount of money you make; it’s about being a positive influence on those around you. That’s why it doesn’t just appear in the boardroom. There are leaders everywhere — even in the most unexpected places. This week, podcast host and author Jason Romano talks about the importance of servant leadership and how understanding people’s unique value makes a better team.

He shares personal stories of his time working at ESPN as a talent producer and in other roles. One of his most pivotal moments came when a job he wanted went to the other finalist instead of him. It was a moment that underscored the importance of humility and of supporting others in success. It was also a chance to see disappointment as a path to new opportunity, which he has carried with him ever since.

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