From Rock Bottom to Rocking Life with Matt Kjell

Season #4 Episode #224

For Matt Kjell, it’s all about family. Since the start of this year, he’s gotten married and is now expecting a child. But he hasn’t always felt the future looked so bright. Back in 2018, his father received a surprising cancer diagnosis and passed away shortly thereafter. It shook Kjell’s foundations and sent him into a spiral of unhealthy choices. One day, he woke up, looked around, and asked himself a crucial question: Is this what I want my life to look like? His answer was a resounding “no.”

This week, Kjell shares his story about finding the path back to health and wellness, and about the importance of family. He had always looked to his father, and his grandfather before that, as examples of what it means to work hard and provide a good life for their kids. Now, Kjell is following in their footsteps and using their drive as motivation in his own life, so he can continue their legacy with the next generation.

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