Shift Your Mind with Brian Levenson

Season #4 Episode #226

For author and podcaster Brian Levenson, one of the most under-appreciated question words is “when.” That’s because knowing when to shift between different mindsets and frameworks is just as critical as the skills it takes to do so. For example, elite performers of all types find success through understanding when it’s time to prepare and when it’s time to perform. Then, they can adapt how they are thinking about each situation to match what they need to achieve in that moment.

This week, Levenson returns to the show to discuss his new book and why he chose to focus on mindset shift as a key piece of the process puzzle. For many people, it can be easy to get stuck spending too much time and effort on either preparation or performance. They forget that it’s a combination of the two, along with a healthy dose of practice, that is a recipe for success. It’s crucial for people to take a mental inventory every once in a while and then put the time into making up for whatever they’re not doing enough of.

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