Why Being Mentally Tough is a Daily Choice with Lauren Johnson

Season #4 Episode #229

For Lauren Johnson, there’s no time like the present. If you want to change your past or build a better future, it all starts today, she says. The decisions you make here and now are the ones that will help or hinder you on a regular basis. This week, Johnson, who is a mental conditioning coordinator for the Yankees, shares her tips for deciding to change, recommitting, and holding yourself accountable. It all starts one choice at a time.

“Everything we do exists in the present moment,” she says. “Our mind is the only thing able to exist in all three — past, present, and future.” For that reason, it’s critical to practice the behaviors and mindsets that work in service of your goals. By envisioning the identity you want, you can choose to become it. It may mean being uncomfortable or going outside your comfort zone. It may mean feeling fear or uncertainty. But it’s in those challenges and the way you respond to them that growth happens.

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