Why Gratitude is Crucial to Performing at Your Best with Dr. Nicole Gabana

Season #4 Episode #238


Especially in a challenging year like 2020, it can be tough to identify all the things you are grateful for. But the same adversity can also help set the stage for recognizing the good in your life and the support structures that have helped you along the way. This week, Dr. Nicole Gabana talks about the importance of gratitude and why it’s key to performance in both sports and everyday life.

Gratitude has the power to positively impact our mental health and happiness, and it’s a skill that can be practiced daily. Gabana says sometimes people get stuck thinking that they have to feel a certain way — especially happy or grateful, or something else — in order to start gratitude practice. But that’s not the case. Spending a little time every evening writing a list of all the good things that happened during the day is enough to get you started. And then, by modeling gratitude for others, you can start to change the culture around you, just by changing yourself.

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