I Love To Watch You Play with Asia Mape

Season #4 Episode #244

All children are different. They have their own interests and hobbies, and their own unique dreams they want to pursue when they grow up. Some kids will choose to continue playing sports as they get older, while others will take a different path. That’s why it’s important to listen to them as they grow and share with you what makes them happy and fulfilled. This week, Asia Mape, founder of I Love To Watch You Play, shares tips on cultivating a healthy enjoyment of sports in kids of all ages.

There will be plenty of time for athletes to focus on the competitive rigours of the game as they move up to higher levels. But for kids to want to stick with sports, they have to have fun doing it. As parents, it’s important to keep that in mind as you encourage them. Sometimes, it will be up to you to step in and advocate for your child, so they carry the love of playing forward into the future. It all comes down to leading by example and making small changes along the way that add up in the end to positive results.

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