Destination Unstoppable & Reaching Our Created Potential with Maureen Electa Monte

Season #4 Episode #250

There are three things that always hold true for teams: they all struggle, they all have untapped talent, and most of them haven’t defined their success. That’s where Maureen Monte steps in. With a background in corporate team building and a commitment to seeing young athletes succeed, she has found her place helping others reach their full potential. This week, she talks about leadership and team development and shares tips for finding success in sports, work, and everyday life.

Monte has dedicated her life to facilitating these types of conversations among young athletes and employees alike. But while sports teams, especially, might define success as winning a particular championship or game, that’s not what defines the word for Monte herself. “I want them to win at the long game of life,” she says. She hopes the skills they learn now will serve them well whether they pursue athletics, the corporate world, or college down the line.

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