Learning to "Sit in the Mess" to Lead Better with Sebastian Little

Season #5 Episode #251

Sebastian Little says his life’s purpose is to create spaces for full self-expression and play. Understanding what makes individuals tick and how to use those motivations in service of their larger goals is a key component of his current work as a mental performance coach. This week, he shares his thoughts on the responsibility of leadership and the importance of giving yourself time and space to reflect on important moments in your life.

Over the years, Little has had to learn to synthesize his environment -- to take in all the stimuli and information -- and then consolidate the pieces that are actually important. From there, it’s possible to discard the things that are holding him back. It’s been a long road to learn how and why this process is important, and has taken moments of deeply personal reflection. But now, he shares his journey with others in the hopes of helping them find their own path forward.

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