Developing Your Self-Awareness & Winning Mindset with Coach Mike Deegan

Season #5 Episode #265

For Mike Deegan, the move back to coaching from the corporate world just made sense. His instincts told him he needed to return to education and spend his time serving others. He’s spent the last two decades coaching collegiate baseball, and has watched his teams take three national championships. Over the last six years, he’s also written a book and become a high performance speaker, writer, and coach on the side. This week, Deegan shares tips for building strong teams and says sometimes, you just have to follow your gut.

Currently, his team follows a set of pillars — or core values — that they believe help them succeed as individuals and as a whole. Those include practicing gratitude, seeking continuous improvement, and celebrating other people’s wins. By learning to push yourself hard and find joy in recognizing that others are doing the same, you can gain self-awareness and encourage it in others. Ultimately, that creates a culture of always striving for more and being willing to put in the work to get there.

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