Clint Pulver on The Power of Mentors in our Professional & Personal Lives

Season #5 Episode #277

There are four types of managers in every company: the removed manager, the buddy manager, the controller, and the mentor. For employees, there are two characteristics that can make or break a working relationship. The first is standards. In order to grow, managers need to have expectations. But are they able to walk the walk, or just talk the talk? The second is connection. Are they able to empathize with their employees? These are some of the questions we talk about with this week’s guest, author and Undercover Millennial Clint Pulver.

He’s spent the last several years interviewing employees candidly about their experiences working for different companies. The one thing that comes up again and again is it’s all about the management. As a manager, you’re the No. 1 reason employees stay or go. That’s why it’s important to understand your style and work to continually improve. Pulver says the magic happens when people become mentor managers. If you’re able to have high standards and good, empathetic connections, you can build a workplace that people won’t want to leave.

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