Mickey Ahrens on Building Tougher Minds

Season #5 Episode #283

The year 2020 was full of uncertainty. For Mickey Ahrens, the start of the coronavirus pandemic brought with it serious questions about what he wanted his future to look like. After being furloughed from his job, he founded Tough Minds, which seeks to help people develop mental toughness and bring mindset training programs into the home.

In recent years, words like “mindfulness” have been making their way into the mainstream. But some folks may be unsure about how it applies to them or their kids. For Ahrens, building strong-minded individuals, who are self-aware and able to understand their place on a team, helps athletes learn skills they can use outside of sports, too. It’s never too late to begin learning mental toughness and resilience, he says. We can always get better if we keep moving forward, no matter what adversity comes our way.

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