Jessica Ream on How We Can Grow Our Resilience in a Chaotic World

Season #5 Episode #286


Every morning, Jessica Ream starts the day with a little, personal happy dance. She puts on a song to get her pumped and thinks: “Today is going to be a good day and we’re going to attack the day.” Other people might prefer to meditate, write in a journal, or repeat a motto to themselves. “When you start the day off like that, then (with) any challenges that arise throughout the day, you’re going to, hopefully, keep that same mindset,” she says.

Ream is a mental performance consultant who has worked with the U.S. Army and now runs her own consulting business. This week, she talks about the importance of routine and the power of having a growth mindset. No matter what bumps in the road you face, you can overcome them if you frame them as challenges, rather than unsolvable problems, she says. That approach also gives you the flexibility to handle the changes that will inevitably come your way, so you can always come out stronger than you were before.

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