Ben Newman on Letting Your BURN Be Bright

Season #5 Episode #292

Oftentimes, people look forward, wondering what opportunities might be just over the horizon, rather than seeking out connections and partnerships they have access to right now. It’s OK to take a leap into the unknown, but don’t forget to find ways of helping out those around you, too. There may be surprising opportunities that stem from those conversations, says this week’s guest, podcaster and coach Ben Newman.

As soon as you finish listening to today’s show, Newman has a challenge for you. Based on your experience and relationships, what are the five phone calls you could make right now that have the potential to connect you to the future you desire? Write down the people’s names and phone numbers. When you get in touch, find out what you can do to help them — what value you can add to their mission. It’s a simple way of putting in the work today to reach your goals tomorrow.


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