Nick Shaw on How to Be Fit for Success

Season #5 Episode #295

It’s important to find a sense of balance or stability, even at the most unstable points in our lives. This week, RP founder Nick Shaw talks about using free time to work on larger projects and being sure to save time for relaxation and mental recharging to avoid burnout. It isn’t always possible to align your time exactly the way you want to, but by focusing on the things that are in your control, you can start to make better decisions about how to use the hours you have.

There’s always something a little more you could be doing to further your progress toward your goals, Shaw says. Whether it’s doing a few extra reps, rethinking your daily schedule, or reworking your time management, it’s important to look at the options you have and find out what works best for you mentally and physically. If you burn the candle too far at both ends, you can wind up with more work and fewer met goals. But if you get complacent and adopt a victim mentality, you can find yourself lagging behind. Once you find discipline and a work setup that are right for you, you’ll be set to tackle the milestones you set.