Amanda Myhrberg on How to Build Your Mental "A Game"

Season #5 Episode #301

There are three options we have for dealing with our thoughts. We can ignore them, challenge them, or delve into them. Learning when to choose each of these approaches is a key component of building helpful self-talk. That can be a game changer for young athletes and others who have to spend a lot of time making decisions and judgment calls in their own heads, which is why learning to do it in a productive way is critical.

This week, Amanda Myrhrberg talks about the importance of useful thought processes and why we should focus on expanding our comfort zone, rather than breaking out of it. She’s the owner of A Game Sport Psychology Consulting, where she uses mental performance training to help young athletes and others “bring their A game.” Her goal is to build confident, comfortable, and thoughtful athletes who know how to face challenges head on and learn to overcome them.

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