Just Do Great Work

Season #7 Episode #646

Are we focused on what we can't control or what we can? There will always be frustrating situations in life, but the only way to respond is by doing the best work you can. What are you doing to put yourself in a position regardless of what goes on outside of your control, that you become known as someone who can deliver?

Five Ways to Keep Building Your Competitor Mindset After Today's Episode

  1. Hire Jake to speak at your company or event. Click here to learn more.
  2. Join Competitor Nation leadership cohort for FREE here.
  3. Text PODCAST to 972-945-9113 to join our Morning Motivation Club
  4. Read the book, “Compete Every Day,” here.
  5. Save 15% on empowering gear at CompeteEveryDay.com with code PODCAST at checkout!